Saturday, 17 March 2012








Photo Diagram

  1. Panoramic view from main entrance.
  2. Water tank.
  3. Climbing frame.
  4. View to south of site.
  5. View to shelter/ seating area.
  6. Wooden play area.
  7. South playground area.
  8. Drainage element.
  9. Sports pitch.

Friday, 16 March 2012

The Brief

The aim of the project is to redesign the playground of the school.  The space is broken into 2 areas.  The first is the nursery/reception class area and the second is the larger playground for the rest of the schoolWe will develop our design in the same order.  

What the School Wants for the Nursery Area

Curriculum influenced
  • Natural, sensory area including area for sand and water play.
  • Area for physical development activities e.g. climbing, bike riding, ball games.
  • An area that allows for creative opportunities e.g. music, drama.
Other wanted attributes 

  • Ability of space to be used as an outdoor classroom, but with different feel to classroom.
  • Rain and sun sheltered area so that site can be used on rainy days.

Elements of the site we disliked

  1. The storage facilities were very poor and cluttered the space.
  2. view of the water tank in North-western corner of the site.
  3. View of the car park from the playground.
  4. Sense of disorganisation in the space.
  5. Crude finish to artificial grass area.
  6. Border fence seems out of place in the area.  
  7. Lack of colour and miss use of existing colour.

Initial conceptual ideas

  • Changeable rain shelter that can be adjusted to suit weather conditions.
  • Reorganisation/relocation of storage space.
  • Conch shell floor design that zones space inside its patterns.
  • Utilisation of water and plant growth in design to educate children in a fun way.
  • Puddle fun area.
  • Modifying stage area to double as seating and stage area.  
  • Create art space on wall.
  • possible use of unused fireexit as storage space.